Wingtra One

The VTOL drone for Mapping & Surveying: Agile, Survey - grade, Safe


  • Map unreachable survey areas
  • Cover 100+ ha at 1 cm/px GSD in a single flight
  • Increase safety with truly autonomous take-off
  • A 42 MP photogrammetric-grade camera and an ultra low distortion lens
  • Combined with a flight range of up to 50 km, large coverage mapping missions become feasible
  • Is designed to safeguard its valuable sensors and eliminate wear and tear of the equipment


  • Highest quality cameras like the 42 MP full frame camera Sony RX1RII
  • Best in class survey-grade accuracy without ground control points (GCPs)
  • Proven RMS error of 1.2 cm in X/Y and 2.3 cm in Z direction
  • Absolute orthomosaic & digital surface model accuracy down to 1 cm
  • Agnostic workflow: Operate your existing reference station & GNSS knowledge
  • Your Wingtra One can be upgraded to PPK accuracy at any time

Cover 100+ ha at 1 cm/px GSD in a single flight

The Wingtra One increases precision and survey mission success with an unprecedented combination of image resolution and flight coverage. By carrying a 42 MP photogrammetric-grade camera and an ultra low distortion lens, the VTOL drone WingtraOne covers 100 ha at 0.7 cm/px resolution in a single flight or 400 ha at 3 cm/px. This makes WingtraOne missions:

  • 2x as precise as flights with a 20 MP camera
  • Cover 10x more than multicopters
  • 5x faster than terrestrial measurements


Conventional drone mapping on centimeter accuracy requires Ground Control Points (GCPs) to correct the final map. Besides requiring additional surveying equipment and being extremely time consuming, setting up GCPs might be downright risky or just not possible in the area of interest.

More advanced solutions achieve similar levels of accuracy by using cutting edge GPS correction technology for the georeferencing of the aerial imagery: namely RTK (real time kinematics) or PPK (post processed kinematics). RTK requires real time base station connectivity and corrects GPS signals during the flight, while PPK corrects them after the flight and therefore offers greater robustness and consistency. Moreover, PPK is independent from base stations or base station networks, highly reliable, most accurate and very convenient and time saving to use. Neither special flight preparations nor intensive post processing steps are required to achieve down to 1 cm accurate aerial maps.

How the VTOL mapping drone Wingtra One works

The Vertical Take-Off and Landing capability allows the VTOL mapping drone WingtraOne to ascend and move like a helicopter. For the mapping mission it transitions into forward cruise flight and matches the endurance and speed of fixed-wing airplanes. In order to land, the WingtraOne switches back to hover flight and descends vertically.

The VTOL drone WingtraOne PPK sets the new benchmark for surveying grade accuracy of aerial imagery. Thanks to its most advanced PPK module and highest quality cameras like the 42 MP full frame camera Sony RX1RII, it is now possible to reach down to 1 cm absolute accuracy in aerial mapping.

Map unreachable survey areas

Wingtra One’s unparalleled vertical landing technology enables touchdown in confined areas as small as 2 m x 2 m like boats or forest lanes. Combined with a flight range of up to 50 km, large coverage mapping missions become feasible that have been impossible up until today.

The VTOL mapping drone Wingtra One is designed to safeguard its valuable sensors and eliminate wear and tear of the equipment. Instead of broken wings or damaged cameras from belly landings & parachute touchdowns, the Wingtra One lands gently. During the vertical descent, laser sensor data enables the Wingtra One to sense the ground and land safely even on the most rocky grounds like open pit mines and on hilly terrain.

In case of a changing landing environment like a drifting boat or recently parked cars, the landing spot can be adjusted as easily as with any multirotor.

Increase safety with truly autonomous take-off

The VTOL drone WingtraOne advances operators’ safety to the next level as it works truly autonomously during its entire mission, including take-off and landing. Instead of risky catapult or hand launches that can cause dangerous injuries, the WingtraOne takes off vertically without any human interaction. The remote take-off feature allows one to maintain a safe distance and keep hands off at all times. This eliminates the risk of mishandling the drone, makes flying skills unnecessary and the VTOL drone WingtraOne extremely easy to use.

WingtraOne PPK
Redefine survey-grade accuracy

The VTOL drone WingtraOne PPK sets the new benchmark for surveying grade accuracy of aerial imagery. Thanks to its most advanced PPK module and highest quality cameras like the 42 MP full frame camera Sony RX1RII, it is now possible to reach down to 1 cm absolute accuracy in aerial mapping.

Key facts with WingtraOne RX1RII PPK:

  • Down to 1 cm horizontal (2 cm vertical) absolute and relative accuracy
  • High coverage at ultra high resolution and accuracy – 100 ha at 1 cm/px and 1 cm accuracy
  • No further orthomosaic correction required
  • 5 min pre-flight setup – compared to hours when using GCPs

WingtraOne PPK highlights:

    • Best in class survey-grade accuracy without ground control points (GCPs)
    • Proven RMS error of 1.2 cm in X/Y and 2.3 cm in Z direction
    • Absolute orthomosaic & digital surface model accuracy down to 1 cm
    • Agnostic workflow: Operate your existing reference station & GNSS knowledge
    • Only pay for what you need: Your WingtraOne can be upgraded to PPK accuracy at any time